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Where the Wonders of Nature Meet the Advancement of Science

Weight Management & Clinical Nutrition

We ‘contour’ your view about your body at Potenza Wellness. The new-age issue in this world has been of weight loss. People have been trying their best to lose weight, but it requires a lot of hard work and dedication. We, at Potenza, introduce an effective, non-invasive and pain-free way to lose stubborn fat, thus promoting instant inch loss. By combining World Class FDA approved Technologies and Customized Nutritional Regime by our Experts we designed the weight loss program suitable to your needs and concerns.

Fat Removal or Reduce Fat

We at Potenza uses state of the art world class technologies for Fat removal from targeted areas like abdomen, arms, bra fat, thighs, hips etc. This process takes place by exposing stubborn fat to extreme temperatures and once fat cells are destroyed then tightening of the skin of that particular region takes place. All of these procedures happen externally and don’t need surgery.


Body Contouring

Loose sagging skin after weight loss or post any weight loss procedure is one of the most common concern for many. After losing the stubborn fat around many areas of the body like waist, inner thighs, inner arms etc the skin might become loose and become baggy which really puts all the hard work in question. At Potenza we have a special Body contouring program that helps tighten the loose skin using technologies like monopolar radio frequency, micro needling, and Cryo wave etc. One can see a visible change in first session itself and one may require few sessions to achieve the desired results.


Body Slimming

Potenza’s Body Slimming Program is specially designed for figure correction by making certain areas of your body, look tight and appealing. This procedure works with tightening loose skin which happens due to weight loss or ageing. This program is huge Hit for someone looking to get ready for any special Event, 3-4 sessions in span for two weeks can deliver you desired results.


Instant Inch Loss

For Brides and Groom or anyone looking for slim and trim waist lime we have designed a special Instant Inch loss program. It gives you slim and trim waist in just about 30-60 minutes. After exposing stubborn fat to cold temperatures, it flushes out the excess fat from your body thorough lymphatic system in the following days.


Cellulite Reduction

Cellulite is stubborn fat that refuses to go away even with rigorous diet and workout regimes. We at Potenza have launched a unique Anti Cellulite Program. In this process cellulite is exposed to varying temperatures from 45 degrees to -16 degrees and acoustic sound waves, which leads to the destruction of fat cells. This entire process takes 30-60 minutes and after the removal of fat if needed skin tightening procedure also takes place, which happens externally.

This procedure is highly comfortable with no downtime.


Metabolism Booster

Boost your metabolism and achieve your weight loss goals faster with our special Metabolism Booster Program. This Process includes uses of near and far-infrareds. These infra-red light gets absorb by cellular photoreceptors which trigger positive chemical changes that help enhance the rate of metabolism. It also helps alter the effects of pollution and smoking/drinking.


Special Program to Reduce Water Retention

We at Potenza uses Patent Protected Compression garment that helps in reduction of water retention in just few sessions. Our body compression treatment truly helps get rid of fatiguing waste products and removes excess toxins from the body. It also helps get rid of excess fat from the body which leads to a visible inch loss as well.


Special Program to Reduce Bloating

At Potenza we use patent protected inflating garment to improves circulation Which also helps decongests the problem areas like hips, thighs, butts and upper arms thus reducing bloated ness. One session every week over a period of one to two months gives you desirable result.


Full Body Detox

To reduce the effects of pollution, faulty diet and smoking/alcohol we at Potenza use Near and far-infrared light to improves tissues function by inducing an anti-inflammatory effect. This helps the body detox and feel rejuvenated.


Customized Nutritional Program

Our Clinical Expert will design a customized Dietary Program based on your nutritional needs, medical conditions, food preferences and lifestyle.
